


1. Alfred Stevens, “The Bath” (1867)

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2. Mary Cassat, “Breakfast In Bed” (1897)

3. Carlo Dolci, “St. Catherine Reading A Book” (17世紀末)

4. Salvador Dali, “Woman At The Window” (1925)

5. Ingres, “Grande Odalisque” (1814)

6. John Singer Sargent, “Repose” (1911)

7. Sir Joshua Reynolds, “Princess Sophia Matilda Of Gloucester” (1774)

8. Joseph Ducreux, “Self Portrait Yawning” (1780)

9. Gerard Hoet, “Young Man Playing The Flute” (18世紀)

10. Richard Edward Miller, “Woman In Blue Dress” (1909)

11. Titian, “Venus Of Urbino” (1538)

12. Frederic Leighton, “Flaming June” (1895)

13. Rembrandt Van Rijn, Self Portrait (1628)

14. Ford Madox Brown, “Romeo And Juliet” (1870)

15. Edgar Degas, “Two Dancers On Stage” (1874)

16. John William Waterhouse, “Echo And Narcissus” (1903)

17. Mariano Fortuny, “Odalisque” (1861)

18. George Benjamin Luks, “Young Girl With Doll” (20世紀)

19. Anton Einsle, “A Woman Before A Mirror” (1841)

20. Paul Cezanne, “Apples, Peaches, Pears, And Grapes” (1879)

21. Guido Reni, “Repentance Of St. Peter” (1635)


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